Fitting model on imbalanced datasets and how to fight bias#

This example illustrates the problem induced by learning on datasets having imbalanced classes. Subsequently, we compare different approaches alleviating these negative effects.

# Authors: Guillaume Lemaitre <>
# License: MIT

Problem definition#

We are dropping the following features:

  • “fnlwgt”: this feature was created while studying the “adult” dataset. Thus, we will not use this feature which is not acquired during the survey.

  • “education-num”: it is encoding the same information than “education”. Thus, we are removing one of these 2 features.

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml

df, y = fetch_openml("adult", version=2, as_frame=True, return_X_y=True)
df = df.drop(columns=["fnlwgt", "education-num"])

The “adult” dataset as a class ratio of about 3:1

<=50K    37155
>50K     11687
Name: count, dtype: int64

This dataset is only slightly imbalanced. To better highlight the effect of learning from an imbalanced dataset, we will increase its ratio to 30:1

from imblearn.datasets import make_imbalance

ratio = 30
df_res, y_res = make_imbalance(
    sampling_strategy={classes_count.idxmin(): classes_count.max() // ratio},
<=50K    37155
>50K      1238
Name: count, dtype: int64

We will perform a cross-validation evaluation to get an estimate of the test score.

As a baseline, we could use a classifier which will always predict the majority class independently of the features provided.

from sklearn.dummy import DummyClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate

dummy_clf = DummyClassifier(strategy="most_frequent")
scoring = ["accuracy", "balanced_accuracy"]
cv_result = cross_validate(dummy_clf, df_res, y_res, scoring=scoring)
print(f"Accuracy score of a dummy classifier: {cv_result['test_accuracy'].mean():.3f}")
Accuracy score of a dummy classifier: 0.968

Instead of using the accuracy, we can use the balanced accuracy which will take into account the balancing issue.

    "Balanced accuracy score of a dummy classifier: "
Balanced accuracy score of a dummy classifier: 0.500

Strategies to learn from an imbalanced dataset#

We will use a dictionary and a list to continuously store the results of our experiments and show them as a pandas dataframe.

index = []
scores = {"Accuracy": [], "Balanced accuracy": []}

Dummy baseline#

Before to train a real machine learning model, we can store the results obtained with our DummyClassifier.

import pandas as pd

index += ["Dummy classifier"]
cv_result = cross_validate(dummy_clf, df_res, y_res, scoring=scoring)
scores["Balanced accuracy"].append(cv_result["test_balanced_accuracy"].mean())

df_scores = pd.DataFrame(scores, index=index)
Accuracy Balanced accuracy
Dummy classifier 0.967755 0.5

Linear classifier baseline#

We will create a machine learning pipeline using a LogisticRegression classifier. In this regard, we will need to one-hot encode the categorical columns and standardized the numerical columns before to inject the data into the LogisticRegression classifier.

First, we define our numerical and categorical pipelines.

from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler

num_pipe = make_pipeline(
    StandardScaler(), SimpleImputer(strategy="mean", add_indicator=True)
cat_pipe = make_pipeline(
    SimpleImputer(strategy="constant", fill_value="missing"),

Then, we can create a preprocessor which will dispatch the categorical columns to the categorical pipeline and the numerical columns to the numerical pipeline

from sklearn.compose import make_column_selector as selector
from sklearn.compose import make_column_transformer

preprocessor_linear = make_column_transformer(
    (num_pipe, selector(dtype_include="number")),
    (cat_pipe, selector(dtype_include="category")),

Finally, we connect our preprocessor with our LogisticRegression. We can then evaluate our model.

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

lr_clf = make_pipeline(preprocessor_linear, LogisticRegression(max_iter=1000))
index += ["Logistic regression"]
cv_result = cross_validate(lr_clf, df_res, y_res, scoring=scoring)
scores["Balanced accuracy"].append(cv_result["test_balanced_accuracy"].mean())

df_scores = pd.DataFrame(scores, index=index)
Accuracy Balanced accuracy
Dummy classifier 0.967755 0.50000
Logistic regression 0.971036 0.57507

We can see that our linear model is learning slightly better than our dummy baseline. However, it is impacted by the class imbalance.

We can verify that something similar is happening with a tree-based model such as RandomForestClassifier. With this type of classifier, we will not need to scale the numerical data, and we will only need to ordinal encode the categorical data.

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder

num_pipe = SimpleImputer(strategy="mean", add_indicator=True)
cat_pipe = make_pipeline(
    SimpleImputer(strategy="constant", fill_value="missing"),
    OrdinalEncoder(handle_unknown="use_encoded_value", unknown_value=-1),

preprocessor_tree = make_column_transformer(
    (num_pipe, selector(dtype_include="number")),
    (cat_pipe, selector(dtype_include="category")),

rf_clf = make_pipeline(
    preprocessor_tree, RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42, n_jobs=2)
index += ["Random forest"]
cv_result = cross_validate(rf_clf, df_res, y_res, scoring=scoring)
scores["Balanced accuracy"].append(cv_result["test_balanced_accuracy"].mean())

df_scores = pd.DataFrame(scores, index=index)
Accuracy Balanced accuracy
Dummy classifier 0.967755 0.500000
Logistic regression 0.971036 0.575070
Random forest 0.972599 0.644578

The RandomForestClassifier is as well affected by the class imbalanced, slightly less than the linear model. Now, we will present different approach to improve the performance of these 2 models.

Use class_weight#

Most of the models in scikit-learn have a parameter class_weight. This parameter will affect the computation of the loss in linear model or the criterion in the tree-based model to penalize differently a false classification from the minority and majority class. We can set class_weight="balanced" such that the weight applied is inversely proportional to the class frequency. We test this parametrization in both linear model and tree-based model.


index += ["Logistic regression with balanced class weights"]
cv_result = cross_validate(lr_clf, df_res, y_res, scoring=scoring)
scores["Balanced accuracy"].append(cv_result["test_balanced_accuracy"].mean())

df_scores = pd.DataFrame(scores, index=index)
Accuracy Balanced accuracy
Dummy classifier 0.967755 0.500000
Logistic regression 0.971036 0.575070
Random forest 0.972599 0.644578
Logistic regression with balanced class weights 0.801943 0.810987


index += ["Random forest with balanced class weights"]
cv_result = cross_validate(rf_clf, df_res, y_res, scoring=scoring)
scores["Balanced accuracy"].append(cv_result["test_balanced_accuracy"].mean())

df_scores = pd.DataFrame(scores, index=index)
Accuracy Balanced accuracy
Dummy classifier 0.967755 0.500000
Logistic regression 0.971036 0.575070
Random forest 0.972599 0.644578
Logistic regression with balanced class weights 0.801943 0.810987
Random forest with balanced class weights 0.966687 0.639576

We can see that using class_weight was really effective for the linear model, alleviating the issue of learning from imbalanced classes. However, the RandomForestClassifier is still biased toward the majority class, mainly due to the criterion which is not suited enough to fight the class imbalance.

Resample the training set during learning#

Another way is to resample the training set by under-sampling or over-sampling some of the samples. imbalanced-learn provides some samplers to do such processing.

from imblearn.pipeline import make_pipeline as make_pipeline_with_sampler
from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler

lr_clf = make_pipeline_with_sampler(
index += ["Under-sampling + Logistic regression"]
cv_result = cross_validate(lr_clf, df_res, y_res, scoring=scoring)
scores["Balanced accuracy"].append(cv_result["test_balanced_accuracy"].mean())

df_scores = pd.DataFrame(scores, index=index)
Accuracy Balanced accuracy
Dummy classifier 0.967755 0.500000
Logistic regression 0.971036 0.575070
Random forest 0.972599 0.644578
Logistic regression with balanced class weights 0.801943 0.810987
Random forest with balanced class weights 0.966687 0.639576
Under-sampling + Logistic regression 0.793452 0.811671

rf_clf = make_pipeline_with_sampler(
    RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42, n_jobs=2),
index += ["Under-sampling + Random forest"]
cv_result = cross_validate(rf_clf, df_res, y_res, scoring=scoring)
scores["Balanced accuracy"].append(cv_result["test_balanced_accuracy"].mean())

df_scores = pd.DataFrame(scores, index=index)
Accuracy Balanced accuracy
Dummy classifier 0.967755 0.500000
Logistic regression 0.971036 0.575070
Random forest 0.972599 0.644578
Logistic regression with balanced class weights 0.801943 0.810987
Random forest with balanced class weights 0.966687 0.639576
Under-sampling + Logistic regression 0.793452 0.811671
Under-sampling + Random forest 0.794442 0.794224

Applying a random under-sampler before the training of the linear model or random forest, allows to not focus on the majority class at the cost of making more mistake for samples in the majority class (i.e. decreased accuracy).

We could apply any type of samplers and find which sampler is working best on the current dataset.

Instead, we will present another way by using classifiers which will apply sampling internally.

Use of specific balanced algorithms from imbalanced-learn#

We already showed that random under-sampling can be effective on decision tree. However, instead of under-sampling once the dataset, one could under-sample the original dataset before to take a bootstrap sample. This is the base of the imblearn.ensemble.BalancedRandomForestClassifier and BalancedBaggingClassifier.

from imblearn.ensemble import BalancedRandomForestClassifier

rf_clf = make_pipeline(
index += ["Balanced random forest"]
cv_result = cross_validate(rf_clf, df_res, y_res, scoring=scoring)
scores["Balanced accuracy"].append(cv_result["test_balanced_accuracy"].mean())

df_scores = pd.DataFrame(scores, index=index)
Accuracy Balanced accuracy
Dummy classifier 0.967755 0.500000
Logistic regression 0.971036 0.575070
Random forest 0.972599 0.644578
Logistic regression with balanced class weights 0.801943 0.810987
Random forest with balanced class weights 0.966687 0.639576
Under-sampling + Logistic regression 0.793452 0.811671
Under-sampling + Random forest 0.794442 0.794224
Balanced random forest 0.851223 0.805212

The performance with the BalancedRandomForestClassifier is better than applying a single random under-sampling. We will use a gradient-boosting classifier within a BalancedBaggingClassifier.

from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingClassifier

from imblearn.ensemble import BalancedBaggingClassifier

bag_clf = make_pipeline(

index += ["Balanced bag of histogram gradient boosting"]
cv_result = cross_validate(bag_clf, df_res, y_res, scoring=scoring)
scores["Balanced accuracy"].append(cv_result["test_balanced_accuracy"].mean())

df_scores = pd.DataFrame(scores, index=index)
Accuracy Balanced accuracy
Dummy classifier 0.967755 0.500000
Logistic regression 0.971036 0.575070
Random forest 0.972599 0.644578
Logistic regression with balanced class weights 0.801943 0.810987
Random forest with balanced class weights 0.966687 0.639576
Under-sampling + Logistic regression 0.793452 0.811671
Under-sampling + Random forest 0.794442 0.794224
Balanced random forest 0.851223 0.805212
Balanced bag of histogram gradient boosting 0.831949 0.812428

This last approach is the most effective. The different under-sampling allows to bring some diversity for the different GBDT to learn and not focus on a portion of the majority class.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 50.085 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 267 MB

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